Mosquito belongs to the Diptera and Culicidae families, also known as "mosquitoes", and is the most important medical insect group. Mosquitoes are widely distributed and have many
species. So far, there are 3 subfamilies of mosquitoes recorded worldwide (subfamily Macrognathidae, subfamily Anopheles, and subfamily Culex), including 35 genera, over 3600 species and subspecies. More than 370 species have been discovered in China, with over half of the mosquito species belonging to the three genera of Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes.
1.Breeding habits
Mosquitoes all breed in water, and different types of mosquitoes breed in different water qualities and types of stagnant water. Managing or transforming breeding grounds is a fundamental measure for mosquito prevention.
2.Vampire habits
Mosquitoes also transmit diseases through bloodsucking, and understanding their bloodsucking habits can reveal their relationship with diseases.
3.Habits of habitat
Mastering the habitat habits of mosquitoes is the basis for formulating mosquito control measures.
After the emergence of mosquitoes and aftersucking blood, they need to find a place to live. Generally speaking, mosquitoes prefer to live in hidden, dark, and poorly ventilated areas, such as under beds, behind cabinets, behind doors, between walls, as well as in livestock houses, basements, etc. Outside, they are often found in grass, caves, cellars, bridge caves, stone crevices, etc.
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